Thursday, April 7, 2016

Michelle's Playroom Makeover

Kerri Webber and I were asked to come and speak at, MOPS. It's a group of women who are mothers that meet together to encourage one another. Two women volunteered to spend $100 ( or so) on a room in their house to show that you can make a large impact with a little money and some good direction.

Michelle had a room that used to be her younger daughter's, but now her girls share a room. So a playroom was in order.

We asked her what things needed to stay in the room, what colors her girls liked, and what toys they played with often. So we could accommodate and the space could be used most efficiently.

We found great storage cubes in closets that we could use and a table and chair set that could be moved in the room for coloring or building Lego.

After shooting a few quick before shots, I went home and came up with a plan. I did some quick sketches so she could see the whole concept. I also created a Pinterest board (click HERE to see the board) for her to see ideas and links to items that she was going to be buying.





The original list of items to buy to complete the room came in at just about $100.

But Michelle decided to 'upgrade' a few things. Like the curtain rods for the reading nook and the artwork. To use vinyl dots, instead of painting them on. And buy all new storage bins, instead of using the ones she had.

So her grand total came to $192.

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