About this Blog

No matter where I go I can never get away from finding new design ideas (or ones to avoid). I love looking through the new and old catalogs, visiting consignment shops or yard sales, noticing arrangements in coffee shops, friend's homes, or boutiques at the mall.
One of my favorite places is the paint store. I could spend hours just looking at all the colors!
Even though I swore off wallpaper, while removing it from my first house, I have to admit I have seen some pretty amazing ideas out there recently (nothing like the rabbits, carrots, and picket fence that took HOURS to remove). So remain open minded.
Show me a picture, piece of fabric, vase, pillow, 'chair',basket, duvet,dresser, floral arrangement, piece of scrapbook paper... and I will create.

I love working with all different design styles, whether you are drawn to just one or a few that we blend together.

My personal style (at the moment, because it can always change) is a more eclectic feel. I want to feel at home, to marry old and new, have many different textures and patterns, lots of layering and I tend to add one extra thing that might make you stop and ponder for just a moment.